about me

Claudia Mrosek Borén

Born in 1981 and I grow up in the small Eastgerman town of Bad Köstritz.
I got my first Canon EOS 1000 F in the early 90s and that´s when i started falling in love with photography.
After I hade graduadet from university in 2005 I moved to Sweden. Where I still live in Skövde.
Throughout the years I´ve been taking photos of almost everything that “got in my way”.
Photography means to me exploring new things- places, landscapes, cities, kultures, people – or just try to see common things with new eyes.
No matter if it is the amazing 360 degree view from a mountaintop or the smallest of flowers in my backyard. Everything is worth to look at closer and take a photo of… or two .
Hope you enjoy my photos.


Claudia Mrosek Borén, Falkvägen 35, 54133 Skövde, Sweden, +46 73 73 5 42 42 , [email protected]