Tasmania… “under downunder” – almost as far away as we can get from our home in Sweden. Here we spent the second week of our trip.
From the airport in Hobart we went to a campingground close the Port Arthur, at the Tasman Peninsula.
To experience the steep cliffs of Cape Pillar, we went on a fantastic 3 hours boatride . From Port Arthur to Tasman Island, around the cape and then to the Eaglehawk Neck, where a bus was wainting for us to go back to Port Arthur.
Along the amazing coast line we were lucky to see whitebellied seaeagals, seals and albatros.
After 2 nights at the Tasman Peninsula we continued to Bruny Island, where we spend one night att a small campsite close to The Neck , an isthmus with an amazing lookoutpoint.
Day 2 on Bruny Island we drove to the Cape Bruny lighthouse and spend the afternoon at the calm Adventure Bay campground.
The next morning vi left Bruny Island towards Russel Falls NP. On our way we stopped at “Granny Smith´s Apple Shed” for a coffee and apple pie, before we went for the amazing lookout at Mt Wellington.
Our last day on Tasmania started with a walk i the rainforrest to Russel Falls and Horseshoe Falls, before we went to the Bonorong Wildlife sanctuary. There we spend again the afternoon with cuttling and feeding kangaroos… not just fun for kids!